What it is about

Dear friends,

We started this blog in order for people to debate. The first few opinions I put up for debate were mostly controversial African issues, mainly politics intertwining with the abuse of rights. Please feel free to comment as it will motivate us to keep posting. If you have any topics you find controversial and excellent for debate, please send it to either of us with your name and I will post as soon as possible with your name to show that it is yours.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Crying Children of Afghanistan

A 6 year old Girl who was raped.

The girl above is one of many girls, who have been traumatized with unbearable pain and shame. Most of us when we think of a war-stricken country like Afghanistan, we only think of the effect on the economy, the adult and the youth majority being the men. But how many of us have thought of the emotional scars, the atrocities it brings to our female counterparts? This 6 year old girl you see up there, would have probably not even have known about sex, yet at her age she was raped by some savage men taking advantage of the war. She is not the only one, there are many more like her. That was July, the number of girls being raped would have tripled by now. Afghanistan is loosing its children, if it isn't by the emotional scarring it is by the bombings of enemies. Funny thing is those who escape that, end up falling in love with foreigners only to be beaten to death. Is this right? Is there a solution? Or is the war so bad the children of Afghanistan can not be helped?

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